Friday, March 5, 2010

Traditional Games in Malaysia

Have you play a kite before? It’s an interesting traditional game in OUR country. Over the years, kite festivals have encouraged creativity in kite-making. The designed it in different shape and cartoon character, different size and material which full with creativity. I learned to play a kite from my neighbor, who is a cute little Malay girl, isn’t this traditional game can bring us to “One Malaysia”?

It’s a womenfolk’s game in ancient times. Usually, they sit on the floor face to face and the Congkak set is between two of the players. Player will take all the seeds (small marbles, rubber seeds or saga) which represent the points to the players, from one pit, and place one at a time into another pit. If the last seeds in a play is placed in the player’s home (the left most), she will be granted another turn on the other hand. If the last seed is placed in an empty pit on her side of board, she will capture the seeds in the opposite pit and place in her own home. The game end when all the pits on one side are empty. After that, they will count the seeds and who get the most seeds will be the winner. Well, I learned this when I was in primary school, although I can’t really remember all the game rules, but its fun!

Giant Top Spining ( Gasing)
Does u know that a “Gasing” can spin for two hours long? It’s not a game for children because the “Gasing” weights approximately 5kg and the wooden tops are just big! It’s all about strength, skill and coordination. There are some Top Spinning competitions Malaysia especially Kelantan and Terengganu. I would say it is fun to see some other people playing this! Haha……

Yoyo Yap ♥

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