Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Food- Rojak

Hello, the food for today is ROJAK!!

In Malaysia who don't know what is ROJAK?
Rojak is a tradisional vegetables and fruits salad dish commonly.
Rujak is the proper words but cox of malay mixture became "ROJAK"!

There are many types of Rojak,
mamak or Indian Rojak(Pasembor)Ingredients:
fried dough fritters, bean curds, boiled potatoes, prawn fritters, hard boiled eggs, bean sprouts, and cucumber mixed with a sweet thick, spicy peanut sauce.

Fruits Rojak

consists typically of cucumber, pineapple, taupok (puffy, deep-fried tofu) and you tiao(cut-up Chinese-style fritters). Raw mangoes and green apples are less commonly used. The dressing is made up of water, belacan (Shrimp paste), sugar, chili, and lime juice.

These are our favorite food in Malaysia. Isn't hungry?
Let's go to mamak for Pasembor or pasar malam's fruit rojak!!

Evon signing off ^.^V

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